Hilary Biehl's poems have appeared in various places, including Able Muse, The Road Not Taken, The Orchards Poetry Journal, and Light. She lives in New Mexico with her husband and son.
Michelle DeRose (she/hers) lives in Grand Rapids, Michigan, where she teaches creative writing and African American, Irish, and world literature at Aquinas College. Some of her most recent poetry has appeared or is forthcoming in The Healing Muse, The Midwest Quarterly, New Verse News, Making Waves, Sparks of Calliope, Dunes Review, and The Journal of Poetry Therapy..
Claudia Gary lives near Washington DC and teaches workshops on Villanelle, Sonnet, Natural Meter, Poetry vs. Trauma, etc., at The Writer’s Center (writer.org), currently via Zoom. Author of Humor Me (2006) and several chapbooks, most recently Genetic Revisionism (2019), she is also a health science writer, visual artist, and composer of tonal chamber music and art songs. See pw.org/content/claudia_gary; follow her on Twitter at @claudiagary.
Lynn Gilbert has had poems in Blue Unicorn, Concho River Review, Exquisite Corpse, Gnu, The Huron River Review, Kansas Quarterly, Light, Mortar, Peninsula Poets, and Southwestern American Literature among others. She was a founding editor of Borderlands: Texas Poetry Review and a finalist in the Gerald Cable Book Award, 2021. She helps edit poetry for the journal Third Wednesday.
Carol Lynn Stevenson Grellas is a recent graduate of Vermont College of Fine Arts, MFA in Writing program. She is an eleven-time Pushcart Prize nominee and a seven-time Best of the Net nominee. In 2012 she won the Red Ochre Chapbook Contest, with her manuscript, Before I Go to Sleep. In 2018 her book In the Making of Goodbyes was nominated for The CLMP Firecracker Award in Poetry, and her poem "A Mall in California" took 2nd place for the Jack Kerouac Poetry Prize. In 2019 her chapbook An Ode to Hope in the Midst of Pandemonium was a finalist in the Eric Hoffer Book Awards and Epitaph for the Beloved was nominated for The Northern California Book Award. Her latest collection of poems Alice in Ruby Slippers, was short-listed for the 2021 Eric Hoffer Grand Prize and awarded honorable mention in the Poetry. She has served as the Editor-in-Chief for the Orchards Poetry Journal and Tule Review. According to family lore, she is a direct descendant of Robert Louis Stevenson.
Mia Schilling Grogan is an Associate Professor of English at Chestnut Hill College in Philadelphia. She is a medievalist who works in the areas of hagiography, prayer, and women's spiritual writing. Her poetry has recently appeared in America, First Things, Light, The Windhover, and Presence.
Sara Henning is the author of View from True North, cowinner of the 2017 Crab Orchard Series in Poetry Open Competition Award and the 2019 High Plains Book Award. Her latest collection of poems, Terra Incognita, won the 2021 Hollis Summers Poetry Prize and was released by Ohio University Press in March 2022. Her honors include the Lynda Hull Memorial Poetry Prize, the George Bogin Memorial Award, the Allen Ginsberg Poetry Award, and awards from the Sewanee Writers' Conference and the Vermont Studio Center. Her work has been published or is forthcoming in journals such as Quarterly West, Alaska Quarterly Review, Crab Orchard Review, Witness, Crazyhorse, Southern Humanities Review, Meridian, and the Cincinnati Review. She lives and writes in Nacogdoches, Texas, where she serves as coordinator of the BFA Program in Creative Writing at Stephen F. Austin State University.
Jenna Le (jennalewriting.com) is the author of Six Rivers (NYQ Books, 2011), A History of the Cetacean American Diaspora (Indolent Books, 2017), an Elgin Awards Second Place winner, voted on by the international membership of the Science Fiction and Fantasy Poetry Association, and Manatee Lagoon (forthcoming from Acre Books, October 2022). She was selected by Marilyn Nelson as winner of Poetry By The Sea’s inaugural sonnet competition. Her poems appear in AGNI, Denver Quarterly, Los Angeles Review, Massachusetts Review, Michigan Quarterly Review, Pleiades, Poet Lore, Verse Daily, and West Branch.
Professor of English at Lock Haven University, Marjorie Maddox has published 13 collections of poetry—including Transplant, Transport, Transubstantiation (Yellowglen Prize); Begin with a Question (Paraclete, International Book Award Winner), and Heart Speaks, Is Spoken For (Shanti Arts), an ekphrastic collaboration with photographer Karen Elias—the short story collection What She Was Saying (Fomite); 4 children’s and YA books—including Inside Out: Poems on Writing and Reading Poems with Insider Exercises (Finalist International Book Awards), A Crossing of Zebras: Animal Packs in Poetry; I’m Feeling Blue, Too! (a 2021 NCTE Notable Poetry Book), and Rules of the Game: Baseball Poems—Common Wealth: Contemporary Poets on Pennsylvania (co-editor). In the Museum of My Daughter’s Mind, based on her daughter’s paintings (www.hafer.work) is forthcoming in 2023 (Shanti Arts). Please see www.marjoriemaddox.com.
Susan McLean a retired English professor, is the author of The Best Disguise and The Whetstone Misses the Knife, and the translator of Selected Epigrams by the Latin poet Martial. She also is the translation editor for Better Than Starbucks. She lives in Iowa City.
Samantha Pious is a translator, poet, editor, and medievalist with a PhD in Comparative Literature from the University of Pennsylvania. Her verse translations from the poetry of Renée Vivien are available as A Crown of Violets (Headmistress Press, 2017); her translation of Christine de Pizan's One Hundred Ballades of a Lover and His Lady is forthcoming. Individual poems and translations have appeared in Ancient Exchanges, Doublespeak, e.ratio, The Gay & Lesbian Review, Lavender Review, and other journals.
Wendy Sloan practiced labor law with the firm of Hall & Sloan before returning to poetry. Her collection is Sunday Mornings at the Caffe Mediterraneum (Kelsay Books, 2016). Sloan's poems and translations have appeared in many journals and anthologies. She was a finalist in the Howard Nemerov Sonnet Award Competition and several of her poems have been nominated for a Pushcart Prize. Sloan lives in New York City, where she hosts the Carmine Street Metrics poetry reading series. A frequent contributor to the Timeline Project, she was Featured Poet in the Winter 2020 issue of Mezzo Cammin.
Donna Vorreyer is the author of To Everything There Is (2020), Every Love Story is an Apocalypse Story (2016) and A House of Many Windows (2013), all from Sundress Publications. She lives in the suburbs of Chicago where she serves as an associate editor for Rhino Poetry and hosts the monthly online reading series A Hundred Pitchers of Honey.
Gail White writes from Breaux Bridge, Louisiana. She is a contributing editor of Light Poetry Magazine and has recent poems in Able Muse, New Verse News, Better than Starbucks and Alabama Literary Review. Her books, Asperity Street and Catechism, may be found on Amazon. She loves Victorian novels, Cajun food, and cats.
Terri Witek is the author of 7 previous books of poems: a new volume, Something’s Missing in This Museum, is forthcoming in 2023. Exit Island was a Florida Book Award medalist; The Rape Kit was the Slope Editions Prize 2018 winner, judged by Dawn Lundy Martin. Martin calls The Rape Kit “ a grand success, the best we’ll get. Fresh, relevant, and heartbreaking” and “a fire in the throat of a culture that has no appropriate language for rape and its aftermath.”
Witek’s visual poetics work is featured in JUDITH: Women Making Visual Poetry (2021), and in the WAAVe Global Gallery of Women’s Asemic Writing and Visual Poetry (2021) as well as in arts venues. The poet’s collaborations with Brazilian visual artist Cyriaco Lopes (cyriacolopes.com) have, since 2005, been shown nationally and internationally: in New York, Seoul, Miami, Lisbon, Valencia (Spain) and Rio de Janeiro. The duo are represented by The Liminal gallery in Valencia: their most recent solo gallery show is the imaginary pediment. Since 2011, collaborations with new media artist Matt Roberts (mattroberts.com) often use augmented reality technology and have been featured in Matanza (Colombia), Lisbon, Glasgow, Vancouver, and Miami. Recent collaborative work with poet Amaranth Borsuk loops the pandemic and the eco-crisis as a crisis of rain and smoke between worlds; that with weaver Paula Damm combines text/textile. Individual and collaborative work has been featured in a wide variety of text venues, including Fence, Hampden-Sydney Poetry Review, American Poetry Review, Poetry, Slate, Hudson Review, Lana Turner, The New Republic, and many other journals and anthologies.
With Cyriaco Lopes, Witek team-teaches Poetry in the Expanded Field in Stetson University’s low-residency MFA of the Americas; they also run The Fernando Pessoa Game as faculty in the summer Disquiet International Literary Program in Lisbon. Witek directs Stetson’s undergraduate creative writing program, and holds the university’s Sullivan Chair in Creative Writing. She is the recipient of both the McInery Award and the John Hague Award for teaching. terriwitek.com
Marly Youmans is the author of sixteen books of poetry and fiction, including her most recent book of poems, The Book of the Red King (Phoenicia, 2019) and her most recent novel, Charis in the World of Wonders (Ignatius, 2020.) Forthcoming is Seren of the Wildwood (Wiseblood, 2022), a book-length adventure (giants! ritual! transformation!) in blank verse and bob-and-wheel chapters.