Visual artist Marion Belanger has been the recipient of a John Simon Guggenheim Fellowship, the recipient of a John Anson Kittredge Award, an American Scandinavian Fellowship, and Connecticut Commission on the Arts Fellowships, and has been an artist in residence at the MacDowell Colony, at the Atlantic Center for the Arts, at the Virginia Center for the Arts and at Everglades National Park. She earned an MFA from the Yale University School of Art, where she was the recipient of both the John Ferguson Weir Award and the Schickle-Collingwood Prize, and a BFA from the College of Art & Design at Alfred University. Her photographs are included in many permanent collections including the Library of Congress, the Corcoran Museum of Art, the Yale University of Art, the New Orleans Museum of Art and the International Center of Photography. She was the 2007 Photographer Laureate of Tampa, FL. Her forthcoming book of photographs of South Florida, Everglades: Outside and Within, with an introduction by Susan Orlean, will be released by the Center for American Places at Columbia College and the University of Georgia Press in early 2009. She is currently photographing the shifting edges of the North Atlantic Continental Plate in Iceland and California. Marion Belanger resides in Guilford, Connecticut.
Sarah Busse received her MFA in Creative Writing and Literature from Bennington College, Vermont, in June 2003. She has published poems in on-line and print journals, including Poet Lore, Arbor Vitae, Great River Review, and Perihelion. The children's book she co-authored with her mother, Banjo Granny, came out from Houghton Mifflin in 2006 and is now in its third printing. She lives with her husband and two children in Madison, Wisconsin.
Barbara Crooker has new work appearing in The Valparaiso Poetry Review, Persimmon Tree,
Christianity & Literature, Crannóg (Ireland), and The Tampa Poetry Review. She is the recipient of the 2007 Pen and Brush Poetry Award. Radiance, her first full-length book, won the 2005 Word Press First Book competition and was a finalist for the 2006 Paterson Poetry Prize; her new book, Line Dance is out from Word Press. Garrison Keillor has read 14 of her poems on The Writer's Almanac. Visit her website. Earlier work in Mezzo Cammin: 2007.2 & 2007.1
Jehanne Dubrow received her Ph.D. in English from the
University of
Nebraska-Lincoln. Her work has appeared in Poetry, The
Hudson Review, The New England Review, Shenandoah, and Gulf Coast. She is the
author of a chapbook, The Promised Bride (Finishing Line Press). Her full-length collection won the 2007 Three Candles Press First Book Prize and was published in 2008. Earlier work in Mezzo Cammin: 2006.2.
Annie Finch is the author of four books of poetry, The Encyclopedia of Scotland, Eve, Calendars (a finalist for the Forward Poetry Book of the Year Award), and the forthcoming Among the Goddesses, as well as the definitive translation of the Complete Poems of Renaissance love poet Louise Labé. Her music, art, and theater collaborations include two operas. Annie's poetry has appeared in numerous anthologies, journals and textbooks and for radio and TV audiences from Voice of America to Def Poetry Jam. She has also published books about poetry, including A Formal Feeling Comes: Poems in Form by Contemporary Women and most recently The Body of Poetry: Essays on Women, Form, and the Poetic Self. She is Director of the Stonecoast low-residency MFA Program in Creative Writing.
Ann Fisher-Wirth's third book of poems, Carta Marina, will appear from Wings Press in 2009. She is the author of Blue Window (Archer Books, 2003) and Five Terraces (Wind Publications, 2005) and of two chapbooks--The Trinket Poems (Wind, 2003) and Walking Wu Wei's Scroll (online, Drunken Boat, 2005). With Laura-Gray Street she is coediting Earth's Body, an international anthology of ecopoetry in English. Her awards include a Malahat Review Long Poem Prize, the Rita Dove Poetry Award, a Poetry Award from the Mississippi Institute of Arts and Letters, two Poetry Fellowships from the Mississippi Arts Commission, seven Pushcart nominations, and a Pushcart Special Mention. She has had Fulbrights to Switzerland and Sweden. She teaches at the University of Mississippi.
Dolores Hayden's collection, American Yard, was runner-up for best book award from the New England Poetry Club. Poetry has
appeared in The Yale Review, Southwest Review, Kenyon
Review, and is
forthcoming in The American Scholar and The Best American
Poetry 2009.
She is a professor of architecture and American Studies at
Yale who also
writes non-fiction about urban and suburban landscapes. Earlier work in Mezzo Cammin: 2006.2
Melanie Houle is a physician and former jeweler. She is a Pushcart Prize nominee and The Raintown Review's first featured poet. Her poetry has also appeared in The Lyric, California Quarterly, Mobius, The Aurorean, The Barefoot Muse, The HyperTexts, Contemporary Rhyme, ShatterColors, Innisfree Poetry Journal, Lucid Rhythms, The Centrifugal Eye, Journal of the American Medical Association and others.
Michele Leavitt's poems and essays have been published in a variety of journals and anthologies, including Rattapallax, The Raintown Review, The Lyric, Wind, Underground Voices, Yellow Silk II: International Erotic Stories and Poems, and The Powow River Anthology. She is a former trial attorney who recently transitioned from the University of North Florida to the University of Idaho, where she will continue to teach writing. Earlier work in Mezzo Cammin: 2007.1
Diane Lockward is the author of What Feeds Us (Wind Publications, 2006) which was awarded the Quentin R. Howard Poetry Prize, Eve's Red Dress (Wind Publications, 2003), and a chapbook, Against Perfection (Poets Forum Press, 1998). Her poems have been published in several anthologies, including Poetry Daily: 366 Poems from the World's Most Popular Poetry Website and Garrison Keillor's Good Poems for Hard Times. Her poems have appeared in such journals as Beloit Poetry Journal, Spoon River Poetry Review, and Prairie Schooner. A former high school English teacher, Diane now works as a poet-in-the-schools. Visit her website. Earlier work in Mezzo Cammin: 2006.1
Charlotte Mandel's latest collection of poems titled Rock Vein Sky was published August 2008 by Midmarch Arts Press. Six previous books of poetry include Sight Lines and two poem-novellas of feminist biblical revision--The Life of Mary (foreword by Sandra M. Gilbert), and The Marriages of Jacob. She edited Saturday's Women, the Eileen W. Barnes Award Anthology of poems by women over 40, co-edited by Maxine Silverman and Rachel Hadas. As an independent scholar, she has published a series of articles on the role of cinema in the life and work of poet H.D., and essays on May Sarton. She teaches "Translating Silences," a poetry writing course with additional study of a "Poet of the Month" at Barnard College Center for Research on Women. Visit her online. Earlier work in Mezzo Cammin: 2007.1
Ann Michael is the writing coordinator at DeSales University of Center Valley, PA, and the author of three chapbooks, most recently The Minor Fauna (Finishing Line). She's also a librettist, essayist and radio commentator. She lives in eastern Pennsylvania surrounded by domestic animals. Her work has appeared in Poem, Runes, 9th Letter, Natural Bridge, Dogwood, Painted Bride Quarterly, ISLE, and many other journals and anthologies. Earlier work in Mezzo Cammin: 2007.2
Tatyana Mishel lives in Seattle where she works as a writer and editor. She
is also the editor of In Posse Review. Her
forthcoming chapbook, Good Girl, Bad Alchemy will be published by Pudding
House Press.
Jennifer Reeser is the author of two collections published by Word Press. Her poems, translations and articles have appeared in Poetry, Botteghe Oscure, The National Review and The Formalist, among other publications. She is assistant editor to Iambs & Trochees, and lives in southern Louisiana. Visit Jennifer Reeser's website. Earlier work in Mezzo Cammin: 2006.1
Wendy Sloan is an attorney living in New York City. Her poems have appeared, or are forthcoming, in Iambs & Trochees, Measure and Blue Unicorn. She was a finalist in the 2006 Howard Nemerov Sonnet Award Competition.
Diane Arnson Svarlien is a verse translator living in Lexington, Kentucky. Her translations of Euripides's Alcestis, Medea, and Hippolytus were published by Hackett in 2007 and 2008. She was trained in Classics and poetry at the University of Texas at Austin (Ph.D. in Classics, M.A. in Greek) and the University of Virginia (B.A. in Classics and English). Her translations of Greek and Roman poetry have appeared in Agni, Arion, Translation, and other journals, and in the anthologies Latin Lyric and Elegiac Poetry and Homosexuality in Greece and Rome; a selection is accessible online in the Anthology section of the site Diotima, and a selection of translations from Greek is forthcoming in The Norton Anthology of Greek Poetry in Translation. Diane is Visiting Associate Professor of Classical Languages at Georgetown College in Kentucky, and Poetry Editor for translations and original Latin and Greek verse for Classical Outlook.
Marilyn Taylor's poems have appeared in Poetry, Measure, The American Scholar, The Formalist, and many other journals and anthologies. Her work won first place in recent competitions sponsored by Dogwood, Passager, The Ledge, and GSU Review; her second full-length collection, titled Subject to Change, was nominated for the Poets Prize in 2005. Her latest chapbook, The Seven Very Liberal Arts, was published in 2006 in a fine letterpress limited edition by Aralia Press. Another chapbook, titled Going Wrong, is due out in mid-2009 from Parallel Press. Marilyn is a Contributing Editor for The Writer magazine, where her articles on poetic craft appear bi-monthly. She has taught for many years at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee and was recently selected the Poet Laureate of Wisconsin. Earlier work in Mezzo Cammin: 2006.1
Kathrine Varnes writes poems and plays in Mamaroneck, New York, the setting for certain alleged indiscretions of Edna St. Vincent Millay. Kathrine has taught for two decades in a range of institutions, from inner city high schools to elite private colleges, most recently at the University of Kentucky in Lexington. Her book of poems, The Paragon (Word Tech 2005), contains a range of formal experimentations from the nonce to the avant garde. Further poems and essays have appeared in publications such as Valparaiso Poetry Review, Black Warrior Review, Measure, Prairie Schooner, Black Clock, Connotations, After New Formalism, and Parnassus. Kathrine is also co-editor with Annie Finch of An Exaltation of Forms: Contemporary Poets Celebrate the Diversity of their Art (University of Michigan Press 2002) and a coordinator of collaborative sonnet crowns.
Terri Witek is the author of The Shipwreck Dress, Carnal World, Fools and Crows, Robert Lowell and LIFE STUDIES: Revising the Self. A native of northern Ohio, she teaches English at Stetson University, where she holds the Art and Melissa Sullivan Chair in Creative Writing. Earlier work in Mezzo Cammin: 2006.2
| photo courtesy of Ellen Datlow | Marly Youmans is the author of six books of fiction and a
collection of poetry. Her latest novel, Val/Orson,
satisfies her long-time desire to write a book set in
trees. The story also finds some of its inspiration in the
legendary account of twins, Valentine and his "wild
child" brother, Orson. It appeared in two limited
editions from P. S. Publishing (U. K.) in September, 2008. Earlier work in Mezzo Cammin: 2008.1 & 2007.1