Diane Lee Moomey
Déjà Vu
She'd thought that she was coming home to you
again. Tires sliding into curves
evoked a former February—bird
swooped in a similar sky, hydrangea-blue
as last time. For just a breath or two,
a meager sun and vapor trail blurred
toward the west, now as then. A word
arose, as if her mind were leafing through
an older journal. Now another cloud
blows across the sun, truck down
shifts, vapor trail breaks, wind
sweeps: a gust of leaves, brief-limned
across the window. Almost there, she'd thought—
suddenly reminded that she's not.
Seven a.m.
Raku's the name I give these pots of tender
clay, fired and coated in a wash
of powdered glass and (amed again. With tongs,
I've pulled them out at orange heat and dropped
them into vats of grasses, sawdust, straw,
perhaps to shatter into glitter or
to crack with blackened webs like highway maps
across a glossy surface. Plates, and cups
that now hold tea and coffee—crackle lines
that trace their crazy route a little farther
'round the curve with every morning's pour
the way our faces crease and fold themselves
around our forks and spoons, the bagel crumbs
and butter, kisses, our bits of daily news.
Diane Lee Moomey has lived and wandered around the US and Canada, and now dips her gardener's hands in California dirt. A regular reader at San Francisco Bay Area poetry venues, Diane has published prose and poetry, most recently in Peacock Journal, The Road Not Taken, The Sand Hill Review, California Poetry Quarterly, Caesura and Red Wheelbarrow, and has been nominated for a Pushcart prize. In 2016, 2017 and 2018, she won prizes and Honorable Mentions in the Sonnet (including the poems here) and Creative Non-Fiction categories of the Soul Making Keats Literary Contest. Her most recent poetry book, Nothing But Itself, will be available in February. To know more, please visit https://www.pw.org/content/diane_moomey
Ansie Baird
Melissa Balmain
Kathryn Boswell
Maya Chhabra
Geraldine Connolly
Linda Conroy
Lisa DeSiro
Peggy Landsman
Susan McLean
Diane Lee Moomey
Samantha Pious
M. B. Powell
Carol Lynn Stevenson Grellas
Alexandra Umlas
Cheryl Whitehead
Marly Youmans (Featured Poet)
Rounded in deep compassion for the human experience across borders, Mizrachi explores both the spiritual and physical dimensions of being human, and in particular, female. Often times, the female figure in various mythical iterations intersects with earthbound feminine forms as a means to communicate and transmit social consciousness. Mizrachi’s intentions include the empowerment of self and others through artistic expression, as well as advocacy for women, youth, and the environment. Family, community, and tribe are also recurring themes and are approached as active spaces of shared engagement.
In recent years, Mizrachi’s studio practice has developed into a testing ground for explorations in assemblage, sculpture, and installation that has transformed both her painting practice and decades of work as a muralist. Moving beyond paint, her small scale pieces have become sculptural drawings and her murals have become outdoor wall installations. Both styles of work have taken on new life as three dimensional geometric forms.