Lisa DeSiro
Sibling Snapshot
Posed in the afternoon light, we squint.
I can see why we were mistaken for twins:
same height, same bowl-cut tawny hair
with straight bangs, the clothes we wear
color-coordinated. We're dressed
for Easter Mass, our Sunday best.
I have on a flowered frock, knee
socks, white gloves too big for me.
My brother's suit-collar tips protrude,
polyester wings, on either side
of his neck. His hand touches my shoulder.
I'm six years old. He's two years older.
We have blond sun-halos on our heads.
His mouth is open. What was said?
Imagined Advice from Vincent Millay
Staying friends with lovers can be done.
It just requires patience and finesse.
Say you've got yourself in a bit of a mess
with two gentleman admirers: one
who "isn't really single" and one
who decides that he "well, more or less"
prefers remaining single. A stress-
provoking situation, although fun
might be had… But if things have gone
far enough with both, the key to success—
fully being platonic (which might depress
the most resilient heart, when left alone)
is this: write until you stop dwelling on it.
You see? Simple. Simple as a sonnet.
Rounded in deep compassion for the human experience across borders, Mizrachi explores both the spiritual and physical dimensions of being human, and in particular, female. Often times, the female figure in various mythical iterations intersects with earthbound feminine forms as a means to communicate and transmit social consciousness. Mizrachi’s intentions include the empowerment of self and others through artistic expression, as well as advocacy for women, youth, and the environment. Family, community, and tribe are also recurring themes and are approached as active spaces of shared engagement.
In recent years, Mizrachi’s studio practice has developed into a testing ground for explorations in assemblage, sculpture, and installation that has transformed both her painting practice and decades of work as a muralist. Moving beyond paint, her small scale pieces have become sculptural drawings and her murals have become outdoor wall installations. Both styles of work have taken on new life as three dimensional geometric forms.