Kim Bridgford is a professor of English at Fairfield University, the editor of Dogwood and Mezzo Cammin, and a resident faculty member of Fairfield's new M.F.A. program on Enders Island, off the coast of Mystic, Connecticut. The recipient of grants from the National Endowment for the Arts and the Connecticut Commission on the Arts, she is the author of three collections of poetry: Undone, Instead of Maps, and In the Extreme: Sonnets about World Records. She is currently working on a three-book poetry and photography project with visual artist Jo Yarrington, focusing on journey and sacred space in Iceland, Venezuela, and Bhutan. She was the 2007 Connecticut Touring Poet.
Visual artist Lauren Clay received an M.F.A. from Virginia Commonwealth University, and B.F.A. from Savannah College of Art and Design. She has exhibited throughout the United States, including solo exhibitions at Larissa Goldston Gallery, project room, New York; Tilt Gallery and Project Space, Portland, Oregon; and Whitespace Gallery, Atlanta, Georgia. In 2007 Clay was the recipient of a Virginia Museum of Fine Art Fellowship. She is currently an Artist-in-Residence at Henry Street Settlement and a participant in the Artist-in-the-Marketplace program at the Bronx Museum of the Arts. Upcoming exhibits and projects include a group exhibit at the Bronx Museum of the Arts titled Living and Dreaming, and a solo exhibit at Larissa Goldston Gallery. Clay was born in Brookhaven, Mississippi, and grew up in the suburbs of Atlanta. She currently lives in Brooklyn.
Maryann Corbett grew up in northern Virginia. She holds a doctorate
in English from the University of Minnesota and has worked for 25 years as an editor, indexer, and in-house writing teacher for the Minnesota
Legislature. Her poems have appeared or are forthcoming in Measure, Alabama Literary Review, First Things, The Lyric, The Raintown Review, The Barefoot Muse, and other journals. She serves as a moderator on Eratosphere, an online forum for metrical poetry. She and her husband live in Saint Paul, Minnesota. Earlier work in Mezzo Cammin: 2007.1
Nausheen Eusuf lives and teaches in Dhaka, Bangladesh. She holds an M.A. from the Writing Seminars at Johns Hopkins, and her poems have appeared in Acumen, Orbis, Envoi, Mobius, and Off the Coast. After teaching for five years, she is heading back to graduate school at the University of Georgia in the fall.
Anna Evans is a former British citizen now residing in NJ, where she is raising two daughters. Her poems have appeared in journals such as The Harvard Review, The Atlanta Review, Rattle and 32 Poems. She has been nominated three times for a Pushcart Prize and was a finalist for both the 2005 and 2007 Howard Nemerov sonnet award and for the 2007 Willis Barnstone Translation Award. She is editor of both The Raintown Review and the formal poetry e-zine The Barefoot Muse. She holds an M.F.A. from Bennington College and her chapbooks Swimming and Selected Sonnets are available from Maverick Duck Press. Earlier work in Mezzo Cammin: 2006.2
Dolores Hayden's recent poems appear in The Yale Review, Southwest Review, The American Scholar, and The Best American Poetry 2009. The author of American Yard, she's won awards from the Poetry Society of America and the New England Poetry Club. In 2008 she gave the Yale Phi Beta Kappa poem. Her poetry collection, Nymph, Dun, and Spinner, is forthcoming in 2010. She's a faculty member in architecture and American studies at Yale. Earlier work in Mezzo Cammin: 2006.2 & 2008.2.
A native of the South, Luann Landon graduated from Radcliffe and lived
for several years in France. She has published poetry in Cumberland Poetry Review, The Tennessee Quarterly, The Edge City Review, Dogwood, and
Sewanee Theological Review, and has received several awards in The Robert Penn Warren Poetry Competition. Her memoir-cookbook, Dinner At Miss Lady's
(Algonquin, 1999), is in its third printing. Earlier work in Mezzo Cammin: 2006.2
Susan McLean is a professor of English at Southwest Minnesota State University in Marshall, Minnesota. She recently won the 2009 Richard Wilbur Award, and her poetry book The Best Disguise will be published this winter by the University of Evansville Press. Her poems have recently appeared in The Lyric, 14 by 14, Measure, and The Raintown Review. Earlier work in Mezzo Cammin: 2008.1 & 2006.2.
Annabelle Moseley is the Walt Whitman Birthplace Association 2009 Artist-in-Residence. Her poems have appeared or are forthcoming in such journals as The Texas Review, The Seventh Quarry, The New Formalist, and The Lyric, among others. Moseley's latest chapbook, A Field Guide to the Muses, was recently published with Finishing Line Press. In 2008, Moseley won an Amy Award from Poets & Writers. She is also the author of a mythopoeic novel entitled The Delaney: Journey to Banba, published by Street Press. Visit Annabelle Moseley's website. Earlier work in Mezzo Cammin: 2007.1
Alexandra Oliver was born in Vancouver, B.C. in 1970. She attended the University of Toronto and received an M.A. in Drama in 1994. Her poems have appeared in numerous journals and publications worldwide, including Orbis Rhyme International, Nexus, Future Cycle Poetry, The Atlanta Review and The Vancouver Sun, as well as About.Com's Poems After The Attack anthology, a collection discussing and reflecting upon the aftermath of 9/11. Her first book, Where the English Housewife Shines (Tin Press, London, UK), was released in May, 2007.
Wendy Vardaman holds a Ph.D. in English from University of Pennsylvania and a B.S. in Engineering from Cornell University. Her poems, reviews, and interviews have appeared in a variety of anthologies and journals, including Riffing on Strings, Letters to the World, Poet Lore, qarrtsiluni, Nerve Cowboy, Free Verse, Wisconsin People & Ideas, Women's Review of Books, Rain Taxi Review, Rattle and Portland Review. She works for the children's theater company, The Young Shakespeare Players, and will co-edit the Wisconsin poetry journal Free Verse beginning later this year. Her first collection of poetry, Obstructed View (Fireweed Press), is due out in 2009.
Doris Watts lives in Temecula, California. Her poems have appeared in The Formalist (she was twice a finalist in the Howard Nemerov Sonnet Competition), Blue Unicorn, The Lyric, and The Mid-American Poetry Review. She graduated from the University of Redlands and completed a Special Major Master's Degree in Technical Communication at San Diego State University where she taught briefly as an adjunct. She has worked as a usability specialist, examining the human interface with hardware and software documentation, and as a technical writer.
Holly Woodward is a writer, artist and teacher. She turns her poems, calligraphy, marbled papers and artwork into books. She enjoyed a year as the lone American doctoral fellow at Moscow University and served as writer-in-residence at St. Albans, Washington National Cathedral.
 | photo courtesy of Ellen Datlow | Marly Youmans is the author of six books of fiction and a
collection of poetry. Her latest novel, Val/Orson,
satisfies her long-time desire to write a book set in
trees. The story also finds some of its inspiration in the
legendary account of twins, Valentine and his "wild
child" brother, Orson. It appeared in two limited
editions from P. S. Publishing (U. K.) in September, 2008. Earlier work in Mezzo Cammin: 2008.2, 2008.1, & 2007.1.