Season's Arc
Hydrangea, water vessel, curlicue
of tissue, strange profusion, wafted leaves
but petalless, your fringe elicits view:
the clover curve of flowers reconceives
the flower. Heads of inflorescence weave
as fleshed umbrellas. Droves of bees infest
your pistils spread undressed upon the eaves.
Arrangements thrive against the calyx, crest
as if medallions thrust through stems. The zest
of summer thrums inside your scent: the bliss
exudes itself as nectar. Pollen, blessed
by wind, skims across your styles, a kiss
of chaos. Rude October blasts you dry
as heaven, licks your corymbs hot and high.
Sole Instinct
The dark vein of clouds
beneath the skin of sky
advances: taut, endowed
with strict energy.
The ground begins to shy:
grasses stand like dog
hair on a bristled back;
mosses barnacled on logs
shrink into grooved cracks
of bark; sheltered jack-
in-the-pulpits droop their hoods
over invisible faces.
Every creature in the woods,
except for man, places
its head inside what spaces
are hid from the eye of God
or that of His agent. Rain
and wind whip the pods
free of pollen and strain
to suck the petaled manes
from every oxeye's center.
Kinetic funnels extend:
nature's voodoo splinters
every bank and bend.
A cursive creek rescinds
its former home. The birds
forget their nests. The nests
take wing. Blurred
branches and feathers, pressed
by wind, slide to rest
several miles away.
The funnels retract; the sun,
storm's twin, allays
the black magic and stuns
the sky white. Done
with his work, Azrael clears
the crackled air, cleans
his cumulus scythe, and bears
the cleft spirits from the scene.
Man remains to be seen. |
Mezzo Cammin is proud to announce that The Mezzo Cammin Women Poets Timeline Project, which will eventually be the largest database of women poets in the world, was launched on Saturday, March 27, 2010, at 6:00 PM at the National Museum of Women in the Arts in Washington, D.C. (Photo by Tom Field)
Visit Timeline. |
Gail Biederman: I use sewing as a form of drawing, as one way to alter a surface. Thread is my line, a physical presence that hovers in space in my installations. With both a cast shadow and an edge that catches the light, thread creates multiple realities, a jumbled mix of hard and soft, the solid and the ephemeral. | |