Debra Bruce’s third book, What Wind Will Do, was published by Miami
University Press of Ohio, and she’s had work in The Atlantic, The Formalist,
Poetry, Ploughshares, The Virginia Quarterly Review, Prairie Schooner,
and other journals. She has been the recipient of grants and awards from
the National Endowment for the Arts, National Endowment for the Humanities, The
Illinois Arts Council, The Poetry Society of America, and Poetry.
She is a professor of English at Northeastern Illinois University in Chicago. Visit Debra Bruce's website.
Maryann Corbett grew up in northern Virginia. She holds a doctorate
in English from the University of Minnesota and has worked for 25 years as an editor, indexer, and in-house writing teacher for the Minnesota
Legislature. Her poems have appeared or are forthcoming in Measure, Alabama Literary Review, First Things, The Lyric, The Raintown Review, The Barefoot Muse, and other journals. She serves as a moderator on Eratosphere, an online forum for metrical poetry. She and her husband live in Saint Paul, Minnesota.
Barbara Crooker's work has appeared in magazines such as Yankee, The
Christian Science Monitor, Highlights for Children, and The Journal of
American Medicine (JAMA). She is the recipient of the 2006 Ekphrastic
Poetry Award from Rosebud, the 2004 WB Yeats Society of New York Award, the
2003 Thomas Merton Poetry of the Sacred Award, three Pennsylvania Council on
the Arts Creative Writing Fellowships, and has been a twenty-four time
nominee for the Pushcart Prize. Radiance, her first full-length book, won
the 2005 Word Press First Book competition, and was a finalist for the 2006
Paterson Poetry Prize. Line Dance is forthcoming from Word Press in early
2008. Recently, Garrison Keillor read eleven of her poems on The Writer's
Almanac, National Public Radio. Visit Barbara Crooker's website.
Rachel Hadas is Board of Governors Professor English at the Newark campus
of Rutgers University and the author of over a dozen books of poetry, essays, and translations. Her newest book of poems is The River of Forgetfulness (2006). Classics, selected prose, is due out in the fall of 2007. Visit Rachel Hadas's website.
Kathryn Jacobs is a medievalist and poet, whose work has appeared in Measure, Midwest Poetry Review, ELF, Candelabrum, Mobius, Texas Poetry Review, and Acumen. Quantum Leap selected her for their "Featured Five" series. She is a professor of literature and languages at Texas A & M University-Commerce.
Michele Leavitt is a former trial attorney who now teaches in The Writing Program at the University of North Florida. Her poems and essays have been published in a variety of journals and anthologies, including Rattapallax, The Edge City Review, Sojourner, The Humanist, Wind, Yellow Silk II: International Erotic Stories and Poems, and The Powow River Anthology.
Charlotte Mandel’s six books of poetry include Sight Lines (Midmarch
Arts Press) and two poem-novellas of feminist biblical revision--The Life of Mary (foreword by Sandra M. Gilbert), and The Marriages of
Jacob. Her poetry, short fiction and critical essays have appeared or are forthcoming in Nimrod, Fulcrum, Women’s Studies, Literature/
Film Quarterly, Indiana Review, Prairie Schooner, among many others. She edited Saturday’s Women, the Eileen W. Barnes Award Anthology, co-edited by Maxine Silverman and Rachel Hadas. As an independent scholar, she has published a series of articles on the role of cinema
in the life and work of poet H. D. (Hilda Doolittle). She has also published scholarly essays on May Sarton. She teaches “Translating
Silences,” a poetry writing course with additional study of a “Poet of the Month” at Barnard College Center for Research on Women.
Leslie Monsour's translations of sonnets by Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz have appeared in Iambs & Trochees, and her latest collection, The Alarming Beauty of the Sky, was published in 2005 by Red Hen Press. Though raised in Mexico City, she was born in Hollywood, California, where she lives today. She is the recipient of a 2007 Fellowship in Literature from the National Endowment for the Arts.
Annabelle Moseley is a teacher and poet-in-residence at The Stevenson Academy of Fine Arts in Oyster Bay, New York. Her poems have appeared or are forthcoming in such journals as The Texas Review, The Seventh Quarry, The New Formalist, and The Lyric, among others. Birnham Wood Graphics published her first chapbook, The Moon Is A Lemon, in 2005, and Street Press published her second chapbook, Artifacts of Sound, in May 2007. In 2006, Moseley won five Writer’s Digest poetry awards. Visit Annabelle Moseley's website.
Traci O'Dea's poems have appeared in Poetry, The Fiddlehead, Room of
One's Own, and elsewhere. She is an associate editor for Smartish Pace where she is one of the judges for the annual Beullah Rose Poetry
Prize for women. She currently lives in Monkton, Maryland, where she is revising her manuscript and writing a novel. In the fall she'll be
moving to Lille, France.
Judith Taylor is a professor of photography in the Fine Arts Department at Arcadia University, situated just outside the city limits of Philadelphia. She received her MFA from The Rhode Island School of Design and a BA from The Pennsylvania State University. Her photographs and related work have been shown at Eastern State Penitentiary (Philadelphia), The Philadelphia Museum of Art, The Visual Studies Workshop (Rochester, NY), Moore College of Art and Design (Philadelphia), Gallagher Gallery of The Royal Hibernian Academy (Dublin, Ireland), Beaver College Art Gallery (Glenside, PA), Temple Gallery (Philadelphia), Delaware Center for Contemporary Art (Wilmington, DE), Houston Center for Photography (Houston, TX), Swarthmore College, Rutgers University, and Bryn Mawr College. She has received numerous fellowships and awards for her work, including a Independence Foundation Fellowship, a Leeway Grant for Excellence, and several Pennsylvania Council on the Arts Visual Arts Fellowships. Her work is included in the collections of The Philadelphia Museum of Art, Bryn Mawr College, Lehigh University, the Allentown Art Museum, The State Museum of Pennsylvania, and the corporate collections of Johnson & Johnson and Price/Waterhouse.
Shanna Powlus Wheeler recently graduated from the MFA Program in Creative Writing at the Pennsylvania State University, where she taught courses in composition and creative writing. She hopes to find a publisher for her first collection of poems, "Lo & Behold," which demonstrates a poetics of song and praise, often from a Judeo-Christian perspective. Poems from this manuscript have appeared or are forthcoming in Crab Orchard Review, The Christian Century, and North American Review. She also has a book review forthcoming in The Missouri Review. In August, she will begin a career in higher education as Director of the Writing Center at Lycoming College in Williamsport, PA. She lives in Lock Haven, PA with her husband Drew.
Gail White has a new book, Easy Marks, due out in 2008
by Word Tech Press. Called "the American Wendy Cope," she is one of the top three winners of the first Anita Dorn Award, and Prospero's World will publish her book The Accidental Cynic. See Julie Kane's essay "Getting Serious About Gail White's Light Verse."
A native of the Carolinas, Marly Youmans lives in Cooperstown, New York with her husband and three children. Her latest novel was The Wolf Pit (Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 2001 - Michael Shaara Award), and her most recent American fantasy for children was Ingledove (Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 2005). Her first book of poems was Claire (Louisiana State University Press, 2003). Forthcoming is Val/Orson in the P. S. Publishing (U.K.) novella series (2008). Her stories and poems are forthcoming in Books & Culture, Logorrhea (Bantam, 2007), and other publications. Visit Marly Youmans's website.