Poetry Submission Guidelines
ezzo Cammin welcomes submissions of poetry that pays particular consideration to form. Poems in structured forms are especially welcome, but poems that use form in interesting and experimental ways are also encouraged.
Please submit four-six unpublished poems using our new Submittable portal.
Submission Guidelines for Essays
ezzo Cammin welcomes submissions of essays on any aspect of poetry in form by women. Suggested topics include studies of the work of a single author or group of authors; studies of how women have treated a particular form (such as the sonnet, or experimental forms); or controversies surrounding women writers and form (such as canonization or evolving attitudes toward poetic form).
Although we do not require essays to focus primarily or exclusively on formal elements of the poetry discussed, we do expect that essay writers will include some commentary on form as a way of illuminating their arguments.
Although we do not require essays to focus primarily or exclusively on formal elements of the poetry discussed, we do expect that essay writers will include some commentary on form as a way of illuminating their arguments. We do not limit our purview to the twentieth century, or to poetry in English; however, we do ask you to provide translations if you submit an essay on women poets who write in languages other than English. Also, for essays accepted for publication in Mezzo Cammin, we may ask the writer to assist us in obtaining permission to quote coyrighted material. Unfortunately, at this time we do not pay for essays. We plan to run special features on a particular author or topic at least every other issue; the new topic will be announced in the preceding issue. Our preferred length is 5000 words (20 pages) but shorter or longer pieces may be considered. Please follow MLA citation format.
Please submit original, unpublished essays or queries as e-mail attachments in RTF (rich text format), to: evnsanna@comcast.net.
Maureen Alsop:I often create visual art as a memorialization to the closure of a written work. However, many of these visual pieces arrived as a trajectory while writing a larger 'work-in-progress.' The text within the visual poems do not speak to the content of the larger work but are autonomous, acting as bridge between the written and visual bodies. The original text draws upon ghosts in the hall of battles. It is a glittering solar analemma, an unattested revolution, an infinity reflected in ellipses, omissions, and disintegration. A full collection representing many of these images came to fruition recently in Tender to Empress (Wet Cement Press). Yet the act of creating from text continues, as the digital collages here also include newer works based on miscellaneous notes, old emails, and most recently a short story, "The Unnamed Woman of Mary River" (forthcoming at South Dakota Review). The title to these are based on cargo ships which I pass on my daily commute from island to mainland. These small cities of people, afloat for weeks on end out at sea, are a looming story that embarks and disembarks in my imagination.
The visual poems are crafted under the mechanics of "Écriture Féminine," literally "women's writing." These principals advance a feminine perspective. I write from parallels, cyclical slips through stream of conscious and fragmentary processes. The writing exists as rough erotic. As talisman. Interpersonal in their ruptures and syntax, soft in their discomforts; a splintered narrative. Through writing, I can go anywhere and never be found.